Here's a few more of my comic book projects...
Colossal Chaos ("Giant"-themed Anthology from Stache Publishing)
This anthology contains an eight-page story written by me and illustrated and lettered by Rich Foster. It explores a scenario in which a human mind fully converts to a non-organic "container"...
"Femme Fatale" (Challenger Comics)
I like to describe "Femme Fatale" as "a sci-fi crime noir in three panels." You can read it right here. The story features art by Lane Terasaki, colors by Juan Romera, letters/design by E.T. Dollman, and edits by Paul Allor.
The Gathering (Alt-History Anthology from GrayHaven Comics)
I contributed a five-page story with pencils by Angela Allen, inks by Novo Malgapo, lettering by E.T. Dollman, and story edits by Paul Allor. Set in a world where the Roman Empire never fell and Rome controls North America, the tale focuses on a leader of the American Revolution of 1896...Samuel Clemens, known in the underground by the name "Mark Twain."
Legends of Oz: Tik-Tok & the Kalidah
Set in Big Dog Ink's Legends of Oz universe, Tik-Tok and an exiled Kalidah are bounty hunters in the Wild West. I wrote the first issue and an outline for the mini-series. The first issue, was written by me, with art by Rei Renato, colors by Ceci De La Cruz, and with covers by Rei Renato and Nei Ruffino.
Great Zombies in History
The Great Zombies in History trade paperback is available from publisher McFarland Books. I wrote a story in this anthology, entitled "Immortal Resistance, with art by co-creator/artist, DaFu Yu. Essentially, the story revolves around the idea that the Spartan 300 were facing a zombie horde at the battle of Thermopylae..."
Other Comics
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