Rex, Zombie Killer

In the wake of a zombie apocalypse, a small band of animals, led by a hyper-intelligent Golden Retriever named Rex, and accompanied by a baseball bat-wielding gorilla, begin their cross-country journey in the hope of finding safety...and a home. [Check out the audio trailer.]

The RZK story was published as a double-sized one-shot, followed by a four-issue miniseries. The characters also appeared in a short "zero" issue preview. Two one-page shorts also appeared in the Washington, D.C.-area tabloid-sized comic book newspaper Magic Bullet.


"...a wonderfully fresh and different take...charming and highly entertaining...it's pure fun, but so much more...Dafu Yu's artwork is bright and energetic..." FANGORIA magazine

"...fun, suspenseful and genuinely moving. Yes, the gorilla is cool, but any comic that brings a tear to this cynical reviewer's eye is a genuine winner." RUE MORGUE magazine

"...one of the most unique horror comics in years... It does feel like a story that takes place in the universe of The Walking Dead right down to the character interactions...this comic is FUN, plain and simple." SHOCK TILL YOU DROP

"Terrific characters, crisp writing, good art and storytelling, thrills aplenty...'Rex, Zombie Killer' is a smart, smart comic book..." COMIC BUYERS GUIDE - Tony's Tips

"What’s great about Rex is that it gives us a view of Armageddon through a fresh set of eyes...watching this gang of misfit creatures try to navigate danger (survive the zombies, encounter a biker gang) is a real hoot...and I can’t wait for the next issue. Like the little animals running through it, Rex has a lot of heart." AIN'T IT COOL NEWS

"Rex is so much more than another survival horror book...packs a ton of exciting skull-crushing content... BROKEN FRONTIER

"...the action starts up right away and never really backs off...a very well written and engaging story that goes far beyond just a simple gimmick...I loved this book, and I think you will too." NERDVANA (Bob Leeper)

"It’s We3 meets The Walking Dead, as this one-shot follows a group of animals trying to survive zombies." COMICS WORTH READING

"Just think how shocking it would have been if an ape with a Louisville Slugger came blasting out of Herschel's barn...a unique take on the zombie sub-genre..." DREAD CENTRAL

"Rex, Zombie Killer features a gorilla who fights zombies with a baseball bat. But, he's not Rex. Rex is a talking dog. Which means this might be the greatest idea since Hef said, 'add a naked girl in the centerfold

The Creators

Rob Anderson -- Writer
I'm a comic book writer, based in Virginia. You can check out a full list of my comic-related projects on the "My Work" page.

DaFu Yu -- Artist and Cover Artist
DaFu has done interior art for Zenescope (Grimm Fairy Tales, Wonderland Annual) and covers and interiors for Bluewater Productions (Tony & Cleo). He also collaborated with Rob Anderson on a story in Great Zombies in History, and was the creator/writer/artist on MonkeyQuest, which was a finalist in the Small Press Idol competition. He can be reached at dafuyu@gmail.com.

Juan Romera -- Colorist (Miniseries Interiors)
Juan Romera is both an artist and a colorist, whose work has been published in many independent comics, including Ghost Telling, Negative Burn, Clockwork, Indie Comics Magazine, Gargoyle by Moonlight and many more. You can see his work at juanromera.com or he can be reached at JuanRomera@gmail.com.

E.T. Dollman -- Lettering, Logos, and Design
E.T. is a freelance letterer whose work has appeared in FemForce for AC Comics and in numerous independent comic books. He is the letterer/designer on both Creature Cops and Rex, Zombie Killer. You can reach him at e.t.dollman@gmail.com.

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